How regular support transforms learning for SEMH students

Inconsistent support can cause SEMH children to backtrack on their progress.

At OCEM, consistency is our priority. Whether you're an educator, mental health professional or parent, we understand the challenge of meeting individual needs that can’t always be addressed in mainstream settings. Our approach is custom-fit to give SEMH children the specific support and stability they need to succeed.

Let us tell you all about it.

The impact of inconsistency on SEHM students

When there’s no routine and too much disruption, SEMH students are likely to experience slower progression and even academic and behavioural regression.  

SEND children’s absence rate is 37% compared to the typical 6% of a non-SEND child in 2024. They’re more likely to miss out on education due to lack of understanding and catering to their additional needs. The Covid-19 pandemic especially impacted SEMH children who rely on routines and consistency. Many found it hard to return to school, engage in learning and socialise with other children. 

These children are incredibly resilient in their own right, but require mindful management. They will only engage in education and personal growth plans if they trust their caregivers. Building trust requires many things, including a stable routine for a sense of safety in an otherwise overwhelming world. Failing to do so can add to their stress and contribute to the trauma they’re already experiencing. How many times should a child have to be let down by authority figures? 

Sadly, it happens, but we’re here to flip the script and help them build better opportunities. 

How consistency builds trust and engagement

SEMH challenges are difficult to handle for a young mind without having unmet needs.

The first step is building a stable relationship to understand these needs. How do we do that?

Consistency. Showing up whether they’re engaged or not. Their default state is fight or flight or shutdown. They don’t just give you their trust, you have to earn it. They might sit at a table with us for three minutes and leave—but we still return each day until they realise, we’re not going to abandon them. The impact of simply showing up is transformative. It allows children to lower their walls and communicate their needs in their own ways.

At OCEM, we’re mindful in our approach. We recognise that this process looks different for every student. It’s about flexibility, dedication and not judging any misbehaviour we’re presented with. We’d be lying if we said there wasn’t a lot of it! We don’t focus on negativity—instead we find ways to engage with their interests, going at their pace.

It’s not just the tutors on the frontline who make this happen—our managers play a crucial role behind the scenes. Through daily reports, weekly team meetings and detailed handovers, we ensure every child is truly known to all relevant staff members. Good handovers matter. If a tutor is off, cover is fully briefed. Consistency never falters, whatever the circumstance.

There’s no secret ingredient to helping SEMH children transform their lives. It’s just a simple recipe of consistency, building trust and being personal in the ways we support each child.

A student is in session with their tutor

The outcomes of our support

With our support, children who once struggled to attend school or engage in education begin to look forward to it—the right school system will act as respite and provide the care and opportunities that these children lack in their lives.

Our consistent approach helps children reach their full potential. We see improvement in their lives 99% of the time, no matter what that looks like to them. For example:

  • Returning to school or alternative provisions that suit their needs

  • Earning qualifications including GCSE equivalent functional skills

  • Modelling better behaviour and social skills

  • Discovering and leaning into their interests which supports their education

  • Forming good relationships with other children

  • Showing improvements in their mental and emotional wellbeing

  • Going from low attendance to normal attendance rates

Attendance is a significant indicator of progress. The table below showcases just how much we make a difference.

Attendance % at mainstream Attendance % at OCEM

Student A 5% 82%

Student B 0% 53%

Student C 39% 83%

Student D 48% 100%


Transforming the lives of SEMH students

Trust and consistency matter most for SEMH students. They need regular help to stay on track. At OCEM, we create a steady environment that meets their unique challenges outside mainstream education.

Want to help more young people? Let's chat about how we can support your students together!


A Year in Review at OCEM: Milestones, Resilience and Achievements